
Jekyll has somewhat been existing for sometime, used by most programmers (and maybe some non-programmers), been under my nose for sometime. Yet, of my more than three years of experience, I cant believe that I have not used nor touched this amazing gem. Good thing, I can explore it now (before everyone starts raising their eyebrows when I say I havent used jekyll).

This mini blog/portfolio will contain random stuffs about me, my posts, my codes (and some codes I copied in the internet). Codes, texts, and images in posts, home page and about page are considered property of Daryl Enriquez unless stated otherwise (Proper attribution will be supplied). Linking back or attribution is highly appreciated but not required. Feel free to copy, distribute, or change contents of other files or directories like codes, html or css WITH/WITHOUT ATTRIBUTION.

This blog is constructed using the following:

Some other sources may be inserted inside code.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email